Gospel-Powered Parenting-How the Gospel Shapes and Transforms Parenting

Gospel Powered Parenting

Gospel-Powered Parenting

This is a book every Christian parent should read.  As the title implies, Gospel-Powered Parenting-How the Gospel Shapes and Transforms Parenting by William P. Farley, directs parents to the gospel as the source for effective parenting.  Farley, a pastor, father and grandparent, begins by stating:

The point of this book is that God normally exercises his sovereignty through parents who faithfully practice biblical parenting....God is sovereign, but parents are responsible. God's sovereignty is our hope....It is fatal to presume upon God's sovereignty by neglecting parental faithfulness.  Yet it is also a mistake to assume that it all depends on us....We are utterly dependent and responsible at the same time (p.22).


Farley points out that effective parents are God centered not child centered, showing greater concern for pleasing Him than pleasing their children.  Therefore, a right relationship with God informed by the gospel is the driving force behind parenting.  The key is in understanding God's holiness, our sinfulness, and His plan to redeem us.  If the good news of the gospel does not cause our lives to be transformed, we cannot expect our children to be attracted to it.  I agree with Farley’s exhortation to parents: "When Mom and Dad preach one thing but do the opposite, and don't repent to their children, it makes the world attractive and the gospel irrelevant" (p. 107).  Amen and Amen!

Modeling a love for God by living out the grace of God is essential to our children's understanding of the gospel.

The book also delves into the significant role the father plays in the health of the family and effective parenting.  The book spends a great deal of time elaborating on this truth.  Fathers would do well to practice the biblical principles described by Farley.  In discussing discipline, Farley emphasizes the importance of addressing the heart rather than the behavior and how parents can exercise gospel love for their children.

Gospel-Powered Parenting is sure to challenge your assumptions and approach to parenting.  It will provide the biblical foundation for effectively training your children and bringing them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4).  Please share with other readers how you were encouraged by reading this book.  I look forward to hearing from you.