God Reigns in the Storm

God Reigns

God Reigns in the Storm

Florida was given several days to prepare for a category 5 hurricane. I watched the weather reports to determine whether school would be closed and for how long.  Leaving school on Wednesday, I wanted to let our families know we were praying for them.  The staff prayed for mercy and I posted Psalm 139:9-10 on our Facebook page with a headline that God Reigns.  If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.

God doesn’t promise us safety, or health, or prosperity.  What He offers is far greater.  He offers Himself.  He promises peace in the midst of a storm, joy in adversity, and love in unexpected places.  He reigns. He guides us, and He never leaves us. 

As I prepared our frame home for the wrath of Irma, with large trees filling our lot, I was keenly aware that I might return to a pile of sticks.  I took pictures off the walls, cleared all the flat surfaces, putting things into closets and drawers.  I copied personal and school files for safe keeping.  I packed four plastic bins with the possessions most important to me: photo albums, pictures, family videos, and journals.  These were taped and labeled, and sent to a safe, secure building.  I talked with the Lord as I made preparations, mindful that I might not return to a home that I love, filled with thirty years of memories.

I called or texted family members and friends to check on their safety.  Several in non-evacuation zones were staying, and some were going to be with other friends or driving north to avoid the havoc of Irma.  My husband and I evacuated to our son’s home with hurricane rated windows and block construction to wait out the storm.

We prayed for those in the path of Irma and turned the lights out early.  We all slept fitfully in a room close to the bathroom which was to  become our safe zone if needed.  It was full of pillows, blow up mattresses, and supplies. 

Hurricane Safe Zone             Hurricane Supplies in Safe Zone

We peered out the front window throughout the night; my son and husband were up several times to check on things.  One granddaughter was moved to the couch in the living room out of concern for a large tree near her window.  The winds died down sometime after midnight, and morning came calmly.

Returning to our home the next day, a carpet of pine needles and debris covered the property and roof.  A large pine tree snapped about four feet from the ground causing it to fall, crashing just feet from our house and inches from our neighbor’s.  Clean up has started on the inside.  Everything needs to be returned to its place-things stashed in the garage, under beds, wrapped in towels, or taken with us.  When I walked into the warm, but dry house and began the task of reconstructing our things, I was overwhelmed with gratitude, thanking God that our home was still standing, yet aware that possessions are just things.  

An event like Irma renews my faith in God’s sovereignty, His power, His undeserved mercy, and His provision.  I saw just a glimpse of His power in a mighty storm, with 70-80 mile an hour winds.  The destruction of 150 mile an hour winds would have put people’s lives in danger and blown houses apart, like those in the Keys and other coastal cities south of us.  We had only inches of rain and little flooding, from this category one storm.  How is it that we were spared from a category 3 or 4 or 5 hurricane?   I cannot answer this question except to say I witnessed His undeserved mercy. 

As of last night more than four million Floridians were still out of power after Irma rushed ashore.  Nearly a quarter of a million in the Tampa bay area, have been without power for the past four days and some may not have it restored for another week.  As unpleasant as it is to be without power, I am grateful to have a roof over my head, plumbing, and clean water.  There may be trees and debris strewn about in the yards, with hours, maybe days of clean up ahead, but as one that just went through this event, I am grateful to the Lord for His great mercy in sparing us true devastation.  Being without power for a week or even two, is an inconvenience but not a true hardship.  Businesses and restaurants are open for those looking for a cool respite and internet!  Generators, neighbors sharing power, family hosting family, and friends offering shelter are all ways to lighten the burden.  In this, I see His provision.

Irma reminds us how blessed we are and resets the gratitude meter.  Last night, laying on an inflatable mattress on the floor of my son’s cool house, I thanked the Lord again, for His kindness in providing a dry, comfortable (all things being relative-very comfortable) place to rest my head, and for the safety of those I love.


Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me,  your right hand will hold me fast. If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,” even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you. Ps. 139: 7-12


The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him. I will give thanks to the Lord, for His mercies endure forever.  Ps. 28:7