Eat to Live: The Amazing Nutrient-Rich Program for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss

Eat to Live

Eat to Live: The Amazing Nutrient-Rich Program for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss

After realizing, based on family genetics, that I could be around (Lord willing) for many more decades, I decided to take steps to be healthier.  Eat to Live: The Amazing Nutrient-Rich Program for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss by Dr. Joel Fuhrman was the impetus for making some drastic changes in my diet.  Although the tagline to the book mentions weight loss (and most of us have pounds to shed), my motivation for reading the book was making changes in my diet to improve my overall health.  Generally, a benefit of healthy eating is weight loss and the benefit of weight loss is better health.

While Dr. Fuhrman is radical in his proclamations, the research behind his claims is compelling.  He uses research to support the elimination of certain foods and includes testimonies from some of his patients who not only lost a significant amount of weight but also reversed some of their health issues.  The Eat to Live diet omits dairy and meat in the early weeks, making it a vegetarian, vegan diet initially.  It also proposes low-salt, low-fat, and gluten-free eating.  Although Dr. Fuhrman gives permission to add limited amounts of dairy and meat after 6 weeks, it is not highly encouraged.   

Eliminating meat, dairy, and gluten, allowed my body to detox.  This gave my body a fresh start and an ability to identify foods that trigger inflammation.  I was then able to add back the foods that my body can tolerate.  I do not feel compelled to follow his plan exactly but it was a great motivator for me to make some changes and view food as medicine.  I keep several copies of this book in my office, for school parents and staff who want to make some positive changes in their eating habits.  If you want to peel the skin off of nutritional ignorance, this book will help you make some changes to improve your overall health. 

Have you read this book or another one like it, that helped you to make some healthy changes in your diet?  Let me know.


2 thoughts on “Eat to Live: The Amazing Nutrient-Rich Program for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss

  1. My father has diabetes and has worked hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle. He is now struggling with the long term effects of diabetes and what it has done to his body. After a recent hospitalization, his doctor told him to get a copy of this book right away! I enjoyed reading about your personal experience and hope to use this with my own family.

    1. I’m glad to hear that your father’s doctor encouraged him to read this book. Nutrition is an important part of good health. Changes in diet can be difficult, but are worth the effort-especially when you regain health that has been lost. Dr. Fuhrman shares testimonies from diabetic patients that I trust will inspire your dad to make some changes. My prayers for better health.

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